Professor, Toyo
Dr. Eng.
Associate Professor, Takashi Yamamoto,
Dr. Eng.
Research Associate, Satoshi Takaya,
Dr. Eng.
Strong, Beautiful and Durable Concrete
The prime research activities of
our lab are on the performances and applications of various necessary structural
materials in civil engineering field, where a variety of concrete-based
materials are focused on because of their enormous adoption in the current civil
structures. "From Molecule Structure to Civil Structure" may exactly
outline the feature of this lab. It means that our research works span a wide
range, from the various concrete materials to the civil structures such as
reinforced/prestressed concrete structures and composite ones. Besides,
durability and health evaluation of the concrete structures, repair and
strengthening of the damaged structures, synthetic polymer materials which are
gaining the popularity increasingly in recent years, and other new emerging
materials are also contained in our research directions.
Research topics in this laboratory are as follows;
Researches on performance-based design method of concrete structures
Performance-based design
approach concerns with the failure probabilities of the structures and/or
members in the limited states related to various required performances under the
specified loading and/or environmental conditions. Under this topic, various
investigations on the concrete structures in the ultimate limited state,
serviceability limited state, fatigue limited state and durability limited state
are being carried out in order to establish a more advanced and precious design
Researches on mechanical characteristics of concrete structural members
The prime requirement of the
reinforced concrete (RC) and prestressed concrete (PC) members is the safety
under the prescribed loading conditions. Especially, it is indispensable for the
structure members to possess enough ductility to absorb and dissipate
significant external energy, such as seismic force. Investigations on the
plastic properties, namely, load carrying capacity, ductility and energy
dissipation, of various concrete structure members subject to different loading
conditions are being carried out under this topic.
Researches on durability and scenario design of concrete structures
On basis of deterioration
sources of concrete structures, the deterioration mechanisms are illuminated and
mathematic models are developed accordingly. Concurrently, the effects of these
deterioration factors on the characteristics of the concrete structures and
members are investigated by experimental studies such as the in-site exposure
tests. Furthermore, the improvement in the simulation technique for
deterioration prediction, the establishment of a monitoring system for
deterioration mechanisms, and the techniques for the advancement of the
high-durability of concrete structures etc. are being investigated in
combination. The scenario for controlling the time-dependent behaviors of
concrete structures is being composed and developed ceaselessly.
Researches on health evaluation approaches and maintenance management
Maintenance management of the
concrete structures is requisite for the sustainability and feasibility of
social development. Exploration and development of health evaluation system for
the deteriorated and/or damaged concrete structures is the main purpose of this
topic. Based on the requirement of retrofit or upgrade in terms of the
durability and load carrying capacity after evaluation, the repair and/or
strengthening techniques can be proposed. A systematic selection methodology
including the selection of the repair and strengthening materials and the
related construction techniques is being proposed and examined depending on the
efficiencies of these materials and techniques.
Researches on improvement of concrete performances and applications of
advanced materials
Different types of techniques to
improve the performances of concrete are under investigations. Among others, the
applications of the high-strength concrete/steel, transversely confined concrete
for ductility improvement, various admixtures and polymer materials for
durability improvement are some typical ones. Moreover, researches on the
applications of eco-materials, for instance, fiber reinforced plastic that has
attracted much attention for its excellency under corrosive environment and
cement made from urban wastes etc, are also being carried out.